Planning a trip to Spain, handling my mobil lost

Thank you very much for your kindness in quickly arranging the cancellation of our booking, which was made according to our wishes, but we had to return to Japan at short notice due to an unforeseen issue.
It was a memorable trip to Spain in many ways.

I still regret what I didn’t do, but I enjoyed everything I could during my stay. My eldest son and I were able to go to Segovia on our own and it was a great memory.
My second son was able to fully enjoy the football camp, even though he was only there for three days, and he is determined to go again next year.

We went to one of the restaurants you mention, El Enfriador, the day before our booking. It was informal, but the food was good. Next time I would like to go to the famous restaurant you mentioned.

I would also like to take time to enjoy the many historic buildings scattered throughout Spain. It is not a place you can visit in a short time.
I would also like to enjoy the museums in Madrid again.

We have a lot to look forward to next time and hope to be able to organise it again.
