Digital Nomad Visa

Digital Nomad Visa

This visa is designed for digital nomads who work remotely. It offers residency permits to individuals working for foreign companies or clients while residing in Spain. Below are the details of the Spanish Digital Nomad Visa.

Basic Information

  • Target Audience: Individuals working remotely for companies or clients outside of Spain.
  • Duration: One-year residency permit, with the possibility of extension as needed.
  • Objective: To facilitate remote workers residing temporarily in Spain while continuing their work.

Benefits and Advantages

  • Free Movement in Europe: Freedom to move freely among Schengen Agreement countries.
  • Enhanced Lifestyle: Enjoy Spanish culture, climate, and cuisine.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with other digital nomads and local professionals.
  • Tax Benefits: Under certain conditions, reduced taxes thanks to the Beckham Law.

Important Considerations

  • Tax Matters: It’s essential to consider the tax implications when residing in Spain for an extended period.
  • Visa Extension: Extending the visa requires a new assessment and the submission of necessary documents.

The Digital Nomad Visa is an ideal option for remote workers who wish to enjoy life in Spain while continuing their work. Take advantage of this visa to live and work in Spain’s beautiful environment.


The application can be made from your home country or within Spain, but various requirements and documents must be fulfilled. It is crucial to consult a lawyer specializing in immigration law before applying.

Several documents are necessary, such as a criminal record certificate. While some places require information about all places of residence for the past five years, in practice, covering the entire period may not be necessary. For those with work experience in multiple countries, gathering all documents can be challenging.

Since Spain’s immigration laws change frequently, applicants should contact for updated advice.