Dr. H., Clinical Psychologist, University Hospital Training, Spanish Ministry of Health Application Procedures

There are several points, one of which is the speed. The reply I received was very fast, and the contents of the “progress to this point” were also incredibly fast, which made me feel really reliable. I really appreciated the fact that they contacted me every morning and night, even though there was a time difference between the two countries. The speed with which they responded to my initial public posting was also very fast, and from that moment on, I was most impressed.

The second was when you told me that you had already contacted xx universities from the very beginning of the consultation. Of course, discussing deadlines and costs is an important part of the process, but what I was most concerned about at the time of the request was whether or not the project was feasible in the first place. Of course, we were willing to pay for what they did, but we were very afraid of losing our time if the result was ” not feasible”. We were not optimistic that everything would work out easily, but we were trying to choose the method that “seemed” to have the highest success rate. In this context, we felt very confident in Mr. Yabuzaki, who examined the feasibility of the project by himself and reported back to us even before the commission had started.

In addition, I read a lot of word of mouth. I was impressed by the comments of Mr. Yabuzaki that he was “attentive,” “kind,” and “from the client’s point of view. Rather than just doing what we asked him to do and calling it a day, I thought he would suggest better methods and opinions about what we asked him to do.

As someone who is not fluent in any language and has no overseas experience in Japan, the fact that he was able to communicate directly with the client in Spanish was most appealing to me. The other consultants were not that speedy, and their response was something like, “I don’t know if I can do it until I try, but…. In contrast, when Mr. Yabuzaki said, “This is the way we are going to proceed,” and “I have contacted xxxxx and have a rough idea of how things are going to work,” I knew we were definitely going to work with this person.

Dr. H., Clinical Psychologist